
Friday, April 19, 2013

Steps to create Dynamic/Shared Popup in ADF

af:clientAttribute – This tag is used to pass the parameter from a client component such as commandLink.  In the below example, this tag is used to pass the name-value of an attribute to an ADF popup.
af:showPopupBehavior – This tag is used to launch the ADF popup in response to a client-side event. The client event is specified using the triggertype attribute. If triggertype attribute is undefined, then this attribute defaults to “action” event.
Use alignId and align attribute to position the location of the popup when it is opened.
Use shortDesc attribute to specify the tool tip.

af:setPropertyListener tag provides a declarative way to assign values when a client event is fired. “type” attribute defined as part of this tag indicate which event type it should listen. In the below example, the action has to happen when the popup is launched. So use type=”popupFetch” to set the viewScope values when the popup is launched.

launchervar – name of the variable used to reference the launch component.
eventContext - This attribute is set to “launcher” in order to retrieve the parameter values.
f:attribute tag is used to pass parameter to backend bean.

  In the back end bean, use ResetUtils  class to clear the popup component to reset the user input selections. Check out the below code samples for details.

For creating ADF dialog popup, first create a launch client component.
 and then add the ADF dialog popup....


Popup 1:

Popup 2:

Popup 3:

Popup 4:

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