
Thursday, May 14, 2015

Why You Should Get Rich ?

Live Your Life On Your Terms

Being alive is not the same as living your life. Our time on this beautiful earth is more important than money. But if you do not have enough money to sustain your life, then you will be forced to spend your time for money. Every life is precious, our time on this earth is priceless, but for others there is a price for our time. It does not matter who you are and what you do. You can be a carpenter, architect or CEO of a multi-national company, everyone has a price tag. We spend our time to earn money to sustain our life and support our family. I am not saying it is bad, all I am saying is that this is not living your life. You should get rich to live your life, enlighten and educate others along the way to your destiny.

Financial Independence

The biggest advantage of financial independence is that it will take you out from the life's trapped rat race. You will begin to live your life for the first time. It forces you to think different. Financial independence means different to different people. My definition of financial independence is, if you can have a source of income that takes care of all your financial needs, plus you have 30-40% left for your savings/investments without you working for it, then you can be considered truly  financially independent. The source of income can be royalties, cash flow from your stock investment, real estate investments, etc., It is important for everyone to know that there are minimum requirement/needs to sustain our life. Financial independence will secure this for the rest of your life for you and your family. 

Be A Creator

Humans are wired to search and grow into infinite. This need pushes us to create wonderful things that will enhance our everyday life. The only way you will be comfortable with your own being is by being a creator. Some say healthy competition is good, it should be noted that there are plenty of unhealthy competition around our life and the sad part is most people accept it is as part of life. Sure, competition is important for our survival, but it is not going to solve your problem to become independent of your insecurities and lead your way to financial independence. Competition is just a short term solution for a long term problem. Don't be a competitor, it lessens your ability to be creative and fight for a finite resource that will not satisfy your needs. By being competitor, you are going against your own power and potential to reach your goal.

Wake Up Your Inner Intelligence

Every human is capable to get rich. All you have to do is to realize the potential that exists within you. You don't have to be an accountant or mathematician to become financial expert. Whether you know it or not, everyone has an income statement and expense statement. Your primary bank account statement is a good example for your income statement, and your credit card statement is a good example for your expense statement (Assuming you put all your expenses in one credit card). Similarly everyone got to have an asset and a liability statement. If you are not rich enough to have one, just start writing up your own asset statement and a liability statement. Now the most important and tricky part is, understanding this raw data and translating this to useful information in order to grow your wealth.

Human  Rights

Poverty is like a disease and it can be eradicated. Poverty violates basic human rights.  Being born as poor is not a mistake, but to die as poor is definitely a mistake.

The Infinite Rule

The universe is expanding and there are no boundaries to it. It is ever expanding and is infinite.  The same applies to getting rich. There is no limit on how much you can get rich. Nature forces us to think beyond and visualize the infinite within all of us. We are trying to contain  the infinite fire within us using the tools we created. The shear act of thinking lets you the glimpse of infinite, where as the knowledge limits our progress. Knowledge is power, as long as it grows and expands, and the day it stops, it is time to look beyond.

Money Power

Money has power, whether you love it or hate it. Money cannot create life, but it can save lives. There are certain things in life that are priceless, but for everything else there is money. People who don't like money are usually the ones who work much harder to earn it.  It is true that power comes with responsibilities. If you misuse the power of money, then you will end up in big trouble, but if you harness the power of money for good use, it can do wonders. You can either follow the money, or you can make money follow you. Be a source of creation, and the money will follow you.

Be A Giver

Don't get me wrong, I am not talking about charity, or giving up your hard earned money for free. What I mean is, you have to spend money in order to earn more money. What goes around, comes around. In the case of money, when it comes back at you, it usually comes in multiples.  If your intentions are correct, you will prosper the society and people lives around you.  When it comes to money, are you emotional or logical ? You have to train to see it as logical instead of emotional for you to get rich.

Be Grateful

Being born as human is a gift by itself. We are not the strongest, fastest or scariest life on earth, but we are the most intelligent species in this universe. Intelligence is a double edge sword, it can be used to kill or create. You choose how to use it, and your karma(your action) will decide your destiny. Our body is a miracle, the way we think and react is even bigger miracle.  We should embrace and appreciate this life during its life time - and that's to me is priceless.

Have Fun

What ever you do, don't forget to have fun. It is true that you don't have control over your birth and death, but you have full control over your life between them. Everyone is born to be rich, only few realizes it and the rest is lost in the noise of everyday life. You should get rich to live your life, and you have a responsibility to educate others to get rich as well. The fun is in the journey of life, and not in the destination. It is like everyone wishes to go to heaven, but nobody is ready to die first. So have fun, enjoy your ride and wish you all success.